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Jim’s Vision

Jim and Charlene Harper

Feeling compelled to write about the mission that God has for all of us, James Michael Harper (Jim) authored a book titled “Understand God’s Will”. This free book has been translated into 14 languages, with 10 more in progress, and has been distributed around the world.

In the seven years I worked closely with brother Jim, he taught me to know God and to serve Him on a much deeper level, not unlike Paul who said he was “….brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers’ law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today.” Act 22:3

As the Africa Overseer of his ministry, I translated the book into three languages ( French, Swahili and Kinyarwanda) and helped to expand the ministry into many countries of Africa ( Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, South Africa, Malawi, Nigeria, Togo, South Sudan, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique).

Brother Jim and his wife Charlene have both passed away, and they will no longer be living with us here on earth. God has received them and they are resting in peace in Heaven. With the same zeal toward God and His exceedingly love, I am committed to carrying his vision forward. 

Our Goal is to Blanket the World with Our Free Book – In Every Major Language

Thousands of people have accepted Christ into their hearts after reading our free book – and we wish to tell millions more. To accomplish this we simply need to work in unity as the Lord has taught us to do. Your financial support will help us bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the entire world. That’s right, the whole world. This has already begun. Those of us who are saved – will help save the lost.

With your help – we will be able to:

  1. Print many more books, in different countries. We are printing in 3 countries today.
  2. Translate our book. Our book is in 14 languages today. We have 10 languages to go.
  3. Provide Bibles where needed – in different languages.
  4. Create e-versions and audio versions of our book and study guides.
  5. Provide solar-powered audio players for our audio books – for (a) those who live in remote locations with no electricity, and (b) for the 1 billion people in the world who can’t read or write – but they can listen and learn about Christ!
  6. Train and prepare servant leaders.
  7. Create sparks in every nation (read chapter 6 to learn what this means).
  8. In everything we do – may God’s will be done.