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Dear friends,
If you wish to be listed on our website  as being in partnership with us, send us the link of your website ( and in return include the link to our website on your website. We shall uphold each other in our prayers. 1 Corinthians 12

Two heads (or more) are better than one. It means that when two people work together they are
more likely to solve a problem than one person doing it alone.

In partnership, we share a portion with each other.  So, to partner with you, this  will allow us to reach our goal and finish our mission:

  • To make disciples of all the nations, teaching them to observe God’s commandments.
  • To tell every person in every nation on earth that we must (all) open our hearts to learn who God is. We cannot and we will not learn who God is and His plan for our life if our heart remains closed.
  • Also…to help people understand why there is so much pain and suffering in our world today. Take heart – there is a plan and Hope.
  • Equip men and women of God with the knowledge and the tools needed to be a spark (to tell others) in all nations.

This is a list of our partners and their links: