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The role of social media in promoting evangelism

Social media refers to online platforms and tools that allow people to create, share, or exchange information, ideas, and content in virtual communities and networks. 

There are many different types of social media, including social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, media sharing platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, messaging apps like WhatsApp and Messenger, and many more. 

Each type of social media has its own unique features and functions, but all of them allow users to engage and interact with others online.

Online platforms and great commission 

There are several coincidences between online platforms and great commissions in the Bible (Matthew 28:16-20) :

  1. Both involve the spreading of a message to a wide audience. In the Bible, missionaries were sent out to share the Gospel with people in different parts of the world. Similarly, social media platforms allow people to share their message with a global audience instantly.
  2. Both enable connection and community. The Bible speaks about the importance of building a community of believers, and online platforms provide an opportunity for people to connect with others who share their beliefs and values.
  3. Both can be used for good or for harm. In the Bible, the message of God was meant to be shared for the greater good, but there were instances where people used it to manipulate or deceive others. 
  4. Similarly, while social media can be used to promote positivity and spread awareness, it can also be used to spread misinformation and negativity. 
  5. Overall, both the Bible and social media emphasize the power of communication and connection, and how these tools can be used to bring people together and make a positive impact on the world.

Reach many people with Social media

Social media can be a very effective tool for reaching many people with the gospel message. With the increasing use of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, it has become easier than ever before to share the gospel message with a large audience. 

Many churches and Christian organizations have started using social media to share their message and engage with their followers. 

They use social media platforms to share Bible verses, inspirational messages, and information about upcoming events. They also use social media to live-stream church services, which allows people to participate from anywhere in the world. 

Social media also allows Christians to connect with others who share their faith and build a sense of community. This can be especially important for people who live in areas where there aren’t many churches or where it is difficult to connect with other Christians. 

Overall, social media can be a powerful tool for reaching many people with the gospel message, and it has the potential to make a significant impact on the spread of Christianity.

However, It is true that some people may not trust the gospel message spread on social media. However, this doesn’t mean that social media is not an effective tool for spreading the gospel message. 

It is important to remember that social media is just one tool that can be used to share the gospel message. 

There are many other ways to share the message of Christ, including in-person interactions, evangelistic events, and printed literature. That being said, there are some steps that can be taken to increase trust in the gospel message shared on social media. 

For example, Christian organizations and individuals can use social media to share personal testimonies and stories of how their faith has impacted their lives. They can also share evidence-based information and resources that support the message of the gospel. 

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not to trust the gospel message shared on social media. 

However, by using social media to share the message of Christ in an authentic and transparent way, Christians can help to build trust and credibility with their audience.

Find supporters or sponsorship on Social media

It is possible to find supporters or sponsorship for moving forward the work of God on social media. 

In fact, many churches and Christian organizations have been successful in using social media to raise awareness and funds for their mission. One way to find supporters or sponsors is to use social media to share your mission and story. 

Sharing photos, videos, and personal testimonies can help to inspire and engage your audience, and make them more likely to support your cause. You can also use social media to share information about upcoming events and fundraising campaigns, and encourage your followers to share the information with their own networks. 

In addition, there are many online platforms and tools that can be used to raise funds for Christian missions and organizations. 

For example, crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe can be used to raise money for specific projects or needs, while donation management systems like can be used to collect regular donations from supporters. 

Overall, while it may take some time and effort to find supporters or sponsors for forwarding the work of God on social media, it is definitely possible. 

By using social media to share your story and engage with your audience, and by leveraging online tools and platforms, you can help to build a strong and supportive community around your mission.

                                              This is your time

                                             Reach more people

                                             Do new things

                                             Make your greatest impact yet!

To reach people we haven’t yet reached, you and I must do things we haven’t yet done.

I believe this. I know you do, too.

And God is clearly opening doors to make it happen right now. This is your time!

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